Business and Service Continuity
As a small, independent investment management business, we encourage clients to inquire and fully understand how their assets are protected during the normal course of business and how they are covered should Knox & Downing be unable to provide their services for any unforeseen reason. With their assets in custody at Fidelity or Charles Schwab, our clients have the support and protection afforded by two of the largest and most respected investment brokerage firms in the world. Since both Mr. Knox and Mr. Downing have an understanding of our clients’ situation, clients can be assured that the management of their assets will continue without interruption should either Mr. Knox or Mr. Downing be unable to provide services. In the highly unlikely event both Mr. Knox and Mr. Downing are unable to provide services, clients will be immediately assisted by personnel of Advisory Services Network, LLC and by Fidelity or Schwab personnel. The investment advisory agreement may be terminated by the client at any time and the client may freely select a new investment advisor and/or custodian. We would be happy to provide you with a copy of our Disclosure Brochure outlining many of these topics in more detail.